A brown, brick sound barrier wall in Aurora.

The Science Behind Sound Barrier Walls: How They Work to Reduce Noise Pollution

Sound barrier walls are used in a wide variety of places and industries to reduce noise pollution, aka loud noises. You’ll often find them next to busy highways and freeways to separate the roadways from adjacent neighborhoods. In addition to providing privacy for the neighbors, sound barrier walls also block much of the highway noise from cars, resulting in a more peaceful living experience. 

If you are interested in sound barrier wall construction in Aurora, Slaton Bros, Inc. is the team for you. Contact us online or call (303) 806-8160 today.

How Noise Barrier Walls Block Noise 

The key to quality sound barrier wall construction in Aurora isn’t simply building a thick wall. Instead, sound barrier wall construction uses specific materials and items and puts them together in a strategic manner to block sound. There are several different mechanisms at work when it comes to noise barrier wall construction. Here are the different ways that these walls work to reduce noise pollution: 

Physical Obstruction 

The first, and most obvious way, that sound barrier walls block noise is simply by their presence. By merely standing between a noisy area and a quiet one, less noise is going to get into the quiet area. This is true of rock walls, brick walls, and other types of walls without any real thought put into them. 

However, true sound barrier walls are even more effective because of the materials used and how they’re constructed. 

Sound Absorption 

The second way that sound barrier walls block noise is through sound absorption. In other words, the wall acts like a sponge and soaks up the noise as it travels through the wall. To make this possible, sound barrier walls include dirt, earth berms, and other materials that absorb sound. 

Sound Redirection 

Thirdly, sound barrier wall construction is highly effective at redirecting sound in different directions. Sound redirection is like when you throw a tennis ball at a target at a rock but it hits a tree in between you and the rock. The tennis ball is unable to reach its original destination because the tree redirected it. 

This is the same concept that sound barrier walls use to redirect sound. However, because sound walls are typically only 8 to 20 feet high, they are unable to redirect all the sound waves created by highways. 

How It All Comes Together 

The reason that sound barrier walls are able to block, absorb, and redirect noise is because of how they’re constructed. They consist of hard outer materials, such as rock, brick, and steel, that block and redirect noise. Additionally, they feature softer inner workings, such as vinyl, rubber, dirt, and earth berms to absorb sound. Together, these materials are what make sound barrier wall construction so effective. 

Sound Barrier Wall Construction in Aurora 

Slaton Bros, Inc. has been one of the top sound barrier wall builders and installers for many years. In addition to using tried and true methods, we also stay up to date on the latest trends to ensure quality sound barrier wall construction. Call (303) 806-8160 to learn more or to schedule a consultation!

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